# cat=basic/enable; type=integer; label=Use Page as Category: If you want to use the pages as categories and the categories as subcategories. =1: the pages replace completely the categories =2 pageAsCategory = 0 # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=Address table: Name of the address table to be used in the backend. The usage of the 'fe_users' table is recommended. addressTable = # cat=basic/enable; type=boolean; label=Check Cookies: If set then the data inserted into the shopping basket or user data is only stored in a session if another extension allows to set the cookies. checkCookies = 0 # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=Image upload folder: This is the place where the images lie. imageFolder = uploads/pics # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=Order tables by sorting: Enter a comma separated list of tt_products table names where the items should be listed by sorting in the backend orderBySortingTables = # cat=basic/enable; type=integer; label=article mode: If 0, then the parent product in the article is used to assign the articles to a product. If 1, then the article group select at the product is used to assign multiple articles to a product. If 2, then the TYPO3 IRRE feature at the product is used to assign multiple articles to a product. articleMode = 2 # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=variant separator: separator inside of the variant field of products and articles. No pipe '|' symbol is allowed here. Use \r\n if you want the linefeed as the separator. variantSeparator = ; # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=tax fields of the backend: Comma separated list of visible tax fields of the table tt_products in the backend TCE. Allowed are: tax, taxcat_id, tax_id. taxcat_id and tax_id and require the extension static_info_tables_taxes 0.3.0. tax.fields = tax # cat=basic/enable; type=boolean; label=SEPA: If 1, then SEPA is used for the accounts. The IBAN number is used instead of the account number. sepa = 1 # cat=basic/enable; type=boolean; label=BIC: If 1, then the BIC code must be entered for the accounts. The IBAN number can be sufficient without the BIC. bic = 1 # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=Backend CSV: iban ... if an IBAN field shall be added. db_list must be installed. backend.csv.sys_products_orders = iban # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=BE template: file path to the template for the BE module templateFile = EXT:tt_products/Resources/Public/Templates/example_template_bill_de.tmpl # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=template check: Perl regular expression to check the template file for validity templateCheck = /([^#]+(#{2}|#{5}|#{7,8})([^#])+?)/ # cat=basic/enable; type=integer; label=endtime year: Enter the year for the endtime field. Some Microsoft Windows systems are limited to 2038 for the PHP function mktime. endtimeYear = 2038 # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=category where: Foreign table where for the selection of categories. See TSConfig for more info. where.category = # cat=basic/enable; type=boolean; label=Page Title: Here you can activate the hook of tt_products to show the product title in the single view and maybe on other places. hook.setPageTitle = 1 # cat=basic/enable; type=string; label=tt_products exclude: exclude these fields from the table tt_products. exclude.tt_products = # cat=exclude/enable; type=string; label=tt_products_language exclude: exclude these fields from the table tt_products_language. For TYPO3 < 6.1: addons_em must be installed. exclude.tt_products_language = datasheet,www,image,image_uid,itemnumber,smallimage,smallimage_uid # cat=exclude/enable; type=string; label=tt_products_cat exclude: exclude these fields from the table tt_products_cat. For TYPO3 < 6.1: addons_em must be installed. exclude.tt_products_cat = # cat=exclude/enable; type=string; label=tt_products_cat_language exclude: exclude these fields from the table tt_products_cat_language. For TYPO3 < 6.1: addons_em must be installed. exclude.tt_products_cat_language = # cat=exclude/enable; type=string; label=tt_products_articles exclude: exclude these fields from the table tt_products_articles. For TYPO3 < 6.1: addons_em must be installed. exclude.tt_products_articles = # cat=exclude/enable; type=string; label=tt_products_articles_language exclude: exclude these fields from the table tt_products_articles_language. addons_em must be installed. exclude.tt_products_articles_language = # cat=exclude/enable; type=string; label=tt_products_texts exclude: exclude these fields from the table tt_products_texts. For TYPO3 < 6.1: addons_em must be installed. exclude.tt_products_texts = # cat=exclude/enable; type=string; label=tt_products_texts_language exclude: exclude these fields from the table tt_products_texts_language. For TYPO3 < 6.1: addons_em must be installed. exclude.tt_products_texts_language = # cat=exclude/enable; type=string; label=sys_products_accounts exclude: exclude these fields from the table sys_products_accounts. exclude.sys_products_orders = client_ip,date_of_birth,telephone,fax,ac_uid,cc_uid # cat=cache/enable; type=boolean; label=Cache for Backend: Click here if you want to activate the backend cache for tt_products tables. cache.backend = 0 # cat=cache/enable; type=string; label=Server Cache Options: Enter the cache options for the server. cache.options.servers = # cat=error/enable; type=boolean; label=Show Configuration Error Messages: Misconfiguration Error messages are shown in the Front End. error.configuration = 1 # cat=records/enable/155; type=options[unique=unique,uniqueInSite=uniqueInSite,uniqueInPid=uniqueInPid]; label=LLL:EXT:tt_products/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:extmng.slugBehaviour slugBehaviour = unique