char name="DKB-Cash" char shortDescr="DKB Cash Konto" char version="5.8.1" char longDescr="This profile supports the CSV format used by the Deutsche Kreditbank" int import="1" int export="1" char type="csv" char groupNames="transaction", "transfer", "debitnote", "line" char dateFormat="DD.MM.YYYY" int utc="0" # Valid subjects are: # - transactions: This exports booked transactions (default) # - notedTransactions: Exports noted transactions # char subject="transactions" # The following vars are used when there is an additional field within a # record which defines the sign of the amount. # Some banks use "C" (positive) and "D" (negative) or "Af" (negative) and # "Bij" (positive) int usePosNegField="0" char posNegFieldName="posNeg" #char positiveValues="Bij", "C" #char negativeValues="Af", "D" int defaultIsPositive="1" char commaThousands="." char commaDecimal="," # default is "float", other values: "rational" char valueFormat="rational" params { # ignore the header int ignoreLines="6" # if 1 then values are quoted quote="1" # if 1 then a title line will be written containing the names of each # column title="1" # special values are "TAB" and "SPACE" delimiter=";" # this is the group name looked for in the given data to GWEN_CSV_Write # if not given then all groups match #group="transaction" # title of DKB CSV files #"Buchungstag";"Wertstellung";"Buchungstext";"Auftraggeber/Beguenstigter";"Verwendungszweck";"Kontonummer";"BLZ";"Betrag (EUR)"; # example entry of a DKB CSV file: #"14.07.2010";"14.07.2010";"LASTSCHRIFT";"SOME PURPOSE";"123456";"12345678";"-1.413,30"; # this group contains the definition for each column # each variable in this group has its number as name # you can use index variables in the names (using square brackets) # the value of each of these variables is the name of a variable to be looked # up in the data given to GWEN_CSV_Write columns { 1="Date" # Buchungstag 2="ValutaDate" # Wertstellung 3="Type" # Buchungsart 4="RemoteName" # Auftraggeber/Beguenstigter 5="Purpose" # Verwendungszweck 6="RemoteAccountNumber" # Kontonummer 7="CustomerReference" # Bankleitzahl 8="Value/Value" # Betrag (EUR) } # columns } # params