This is a list of implemented but untested features

OFX aggregates:
inside <STMTTRN>
    -<SRVRTID> and <SRVRTID2> (trivial)
    -<REFNUM> (trivial)
    -<SIC> (trivial)
    -<PAYEEID> and <PAYEEID2> (trivial)

-Write checking after tag closing that all ofx mandatory structures are present
-Write currency conversion routine inside transaction lists
-Stock and investment account support.  This is not trivial
-OFX export

-In <BANKACCTFROM>, the field <ACCTKEY>, some sort of checksum.  See spec 1.6, p. 179.
I dont know how to use it.  This fiels represents "Check digits" in Belgium, D.C. in Spain,
 "Clé" in France and "CIN" in Italy.  Can someone from one of these country telle me how to use it?

-Fully implemented structures (all mandatory and all optional information):
Bank Statement Download: