Release Highlights ================== Version 2.0.0: -------------- * WARNING: Version 2 IS NOT Binary Compatible with Older Versions * Version 2 is Source Compatible with Older Versions * Lots of source code scrubbing * [New] RSCALE support (requires libicu from * [New] CalDAV attachment support (draft-daboo-caldav-attachments) * [New] Resurrect the Berkeley DB storage support * [Bug] issue83: Incorrect recurrence generation for weekly pattern * Handle RRULEs better * Handle threading better Version 1.0.1: -------------- * [Bug] issue74: Do not escape double quote character * [Bug] issue80,issue92: fix crashes using icaltimezone_load_builtin_timezone() recursively * [Bug] Fix icalcomponent_foreach_recurrence() and large durations between recurrences (e.g. FREQ=YEARLY) * [Bug] Properly handle UTCOFFSETs of the form +/-00mmss * [Bug] Properly skip bogus dates (e.g. 2/30, 4/31) in RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY * [Bug] Properly handle RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;BYDAY;BYMONTHDAY when DTSTART isn't on BYDAY * [Bug] Fix RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY;BYWEEKNO - MUST use ISO weeks * [Bug] Properly skip bogus dates (e.g. 2/29) in RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY[;BYMONTH][;BYMONTHDAY] * [New] Update tzdata to version 2014g * [New] Support added for schedule params: agent, status, force-send * [New] Added a UID to the VFREEBUSY component * [New] Allow dates > 2038 if sizeof(time_t) > 4 * [New] Add properties from draft-ietf-tzdist-service * [New] Add support for RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY;BYYEARDAY and fixed RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYYEARDAY with negative days * [Build] Autotools build system is removed * [Build] CMake version 2.8.9 (or higher) is required (was CMake version 2.4.0) * [Build] Add new -DSHARED_ONLY and -DSTATIC_ONLY CMake options * [Build] Remove -DSTATIC_LIBRARY CMake option * [Build] MSYS2 builds (fixed instructions) * [Build/Doc] Now can build api documentation with make docs * [Quality] More regression tests added, in particular for recurrence * [Quality] Almost all compile warnings silenced * [Quality] A bunch of Coverity Scan warnings silenced